Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Contemplations of a disturbed mind

Well..nearly two years since my last post..and in those 2 years..ive graduated, become a chemical engineer, got a high paying job and fell in love with a man who is totally absolutely inappropriate for me...hmm...looking back it seems to have been an intersting two years..
Why blog now? Because Im going through a phase in my life, which I feel alienates me from everyone else. I dont have anybody in my life presently who i feel will understand me now..I need some clarity regarding my life..about what to do..
On July 6, 2009, I joined the refinery that im presently working at. It was a fresh start for me..I was getting over a bad relationship..and it felt great to be independent-financially, emotionally and physically. And since I was still reeling from my last tussle with love, I was guarded..And then it happened..!
He was a sweetheart from the start. I was shocked at myself when I found myself having a teeny weeny crush on him...he was exactly the sort of guy I should NOT have fallen for..he was the class topper whereas I always preferred class 'droppers', he was the cute guy whereas I used drooled at macho dudes, He was from one part of the country, and me from the exactly opposite corner to his. And worst of all, he was Hindu and I was a Christian. Trust me, I know I shouldn't have...but it happened.
I had never met a guy who could look at me at my ugliest and tell me with full conviction that i was the most beautiful girl he had ever met..and working in a refinery..u have to give credit to the guy that he maintained his stance even when i wore a helmet, sweated like a pig, had pimples all over my face due to being out in the sun and looked like a grease monkey. I had never met someone who valued me so much. I had never met someone who loved me more than I him. So, when I met him, I dint wanna let go.

To be continued....

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